Piemonte on Wines - Good directory of information on all the winemakers and towns in the area. Click on "ricerca per cantina" to being your search. |
Langhe and Roero - This is the main tourist site for the area. Offers updates on Local events and has links to restaurants and useful information. |
Comune di Barolo - This is the website for the Comune of Barolo. It is only in Italian but it has links to many of the cultural and food events in the area. If you click on the Guida Turistica link (left-hand side), it will bring you to a list of options that are in English and German, in addition to Italian. |
ItaliAnna - Our good friend, Anna Savino, offers custom wine, food and site seeing tours. She c an arrange anything you are interested in seeing or offer great suggestions. Check out her website. She is fluent in Italian. She also has a great blog you can locate at: http://winefoodblog.italianna.com |
CycleVentoux - Robert Deely, another American transplant in Barolo, now offers custom biking and ski tours. He will offer suggestions for great local biking, but also can lead amazing tours in the Maritime Alps. |
TheItalianWay - Our very good friend Simona can assist you with language or cooking classes. I personally participated in a month long cooking course, and it was stupendous. |